Why Hedgehogs Are So Special (6 Reasons to Pet a Hedgehog)


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Why are hedgehogs so special? Well, since they hunt the most common garden pests, some people view hedgehogs as valuable pets. Because of their poor eyesight, they rely on their smell and hearing senses while hunting.

Hedgehogs are known for having prickly spines all over their bodies apart from their faces, bellies, and legs. While they are awake and fighting off predators, these adorable creatures rely on spines for protection.

Read on to learn more!

6 Reasons Why Hedgehogs Are So Special

Hedgehog Spur Hannah Foraging Nocturnal Cute.

1. Count On Them to Bring You, Daily Smiles!

It’s impossible not to grin when gazing into your cherished hog’s face because of the adorable tiny whiskers, perky ears, little snaggle teeth, and innocent little eyes. Hedgehogs are pretty cute, calm, and gentle creatures. 

You’ll probably enjoy returning home to your pet hedgehog for some therapeutic cuddling or to stage a hot hog photo session.

2. They Are Great Snake Charmers

The capacity of hedgehogs to endure venom is another one of their unexpected adaptations.

Hedgehogs are significantly less vulnerable to venom than other mammals their size, though they are not entirely resistant. Also, they are far more protected when bitten in hibernation.

The macroglobulin proteinase inhibitor known as urination,  detected in hedgehog muscle plasma studies, reduces venom’s potency. It is not unexpected to learn that science is highly interested in this feature of the hedgehog.

Snakes are not the only poisonous creatures. Some spiders, toads, and frogs are capable of delivering poison shots. According to some ideas, this adaptation may have more to do with assisting the hedgehog in eating a variety of foods. 

The hedgehog can consume these without causing any harm. Even slow worms and little snakes are edible to them.

3. They’re Not Hectic to Tend To

These spiky lovelies are simple to take care of despite being unique. They only need a wheel, a cage, a water bottle, and wood chips, similar to a hamster. Also, their food is straightforward, which is cat food! 

As minimal upkeep pets go, they simply require a clean cage, fresh food, an occasional wash, and human contact for at least half an hour each day. They are ideal if you don’t have the time to spend over ten minutes a day worrying about a pet.

4. You Don’t Need a Pooper Scooper

Hedgehog Pet Eating Feed Young Hedgehog

You will enjoy owning a hedgehog if unpleasant pet messes don’t fascinate you. It’s simple to clean up after the hedgie since you only empty the wood chips, and all filthy stuff is taken care of right away. 

Your hog will typically decide on its own to designate a specific section of the cage for use as a bathroom. Moreover, you won’t be bothered with drooling, barking, shedding, clawing, and chewing from your hedgie.

5. They Appear Exotic Yet Not Frightening

The enjoyment may be short-lived if your exotic pet is also frightening, even though having an unusual pet is cool. 

Hedgehogs are native to Asia and Africa, making them unusual as pets, though they won’t frighten your pals or make you shiver. 

When frightened, they may at most become slightly spiky, but it’s rather adorable to see them curl into a spiky ball.

6. They Are Uniquely Prickly

The only spiky mammal you can find in the UK is hedgehogs. It’s an original defense tactic.

While other animals can hide from predators, run away from them, or use claws and teeth to defend themselves, the hedgehog depends on its prickly coat of more than 5000 spines to protect it from predators.

These spines have served their purpose admirably over millions of years. The badger is the only mammal in the UK capable of taking on a healthy adult hedgehog. Sadly, a moving automobile or strimmer cannot be stopped with a spine.

But a hedgehog’s spines do more than merely provide defense against predators. On top of that, they serve as buoyancy enhancers and shock absorbers.

Important: Hedgehogs are crucial creatures. Better yet, aiding hedgehogs will benefit a diverse range of other animals as well.

Hedgehog Autumn Garden Colors Of Autumn Nature

Helping hogs in your yard is simple:

  • Provide a hedgie house or safe natural nesting locations so hedgehogs can relax, hibernate, and reproduce.
  • Create a hedgehog highway through your fence to join your area with other yards in the neighborhood to provide access and liberty to move around.
  • Create a garden that is friendly to hedgehogs by including natural sources of food and removing potential risks.
  • Give hedgehogs food. Provide extra hedgehog food, water, and perhaps even a feeding station.

Final Thoughts

Now that we’ve seen why hedgehogs are so unique, you can decide whether to get one or not. When you choose to get one, you might get obsessed with cuddling it all the time.

Hedgehogs are renowned for being quite vocal when expressing their wants and frequently making low purring noise when they are content or happy.

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Alexandra Gros

Alexandra Gros

My name is Alexandra Gross, and I’m the proud owner of three pet hedgehogs.
Two of them are European hedgehogs, and one is a smaller African pygmy hedgehog.
In this blog, you’ll learn everything you need to know about owning a hedgehog as a pet, whether you found one outside your home or are considering adopting one from a shelter!

About Me

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