Hedgehogs make cute pets for humans. However, before you get a hedgehog as a pet, you may ask, are hedgehogs dangerous? The answer is yes and no. Hedgehogs are only dangerous under certain conditions if provoked or mistreated.
However, they are not as dangerous as lions, dogs, or snakes. Generally, hedgehogs are known to be very calm little creatures that pose no danger to anyone. This article will discuss five ways hedgehogs can be dangerous to humans if mishandled.
So, let’s get started!
3 Ways Hedgehogs Can be Dangerous
1. Through Biting
Hedgehogs bite hard for various reasons, but they rarely bite. Adult hedgehogs have large and sharp front teeth, which are similar to those of rabbits. So, when they bite you, their teeth can penetrate deep into your skin.
However, tiny hedgehogs don’t bite as hard as adult hedgehogs so you won’t experience much pain.
Remember, after being bitten by a hedgehog, they leave an open wound which can get infections quickly. So, it’s good to visit a nearby hospital and get your wound disinfected, covered, and get a tetanus shot.
There are reasons why hedgehogs bite:
One of the reasons why hedgehogs bite is if they are sick. A sick hedgehog is very irritable, so when handling them in that condition, they may not take it well, and they can respond by biting.
Some hedgehogs generally love to chew on things, so they may mistakenly bite you, not because they are harmful, but because they are used to them. This is why you should provide them with hedgehog toys in their cage to chew on whenever they feel like it.
Another reason hedgehogs bite is when they smell something like food. Hedgehogs like salty food, so if you handle them when sweaty, they might think you are food and instantly bite you.
Furthermore, hedgehogs bite as a way of communicating. For instance, if they are unhappy with a particular change or a noisy environment, they portray their frustration by biting. Mom hedgehogs also bite if you get too close to their babies.
2. Through Their Sharp Spines
The common reason why people think hedgehogs are dangerous is because of the sharp spines on their back coats. The spines are extremely sharp and can cause rashes or bleeding when in contact with delicate skin.
However, hedgehogs use their spines to protect themselves. They shoot their sharp spines if they see a predator or someone trying to harm them.
It is also possible that there might be bacteria on their spines, so when the spines penetrate your skin, you might experience stomach aches or fever. So, it’s good you seek medical attention.
When handling hedgehogs, either when playing or cuddling with them, it’s good to use gloves to benefit your safety and health precautions.
3. They Can Spread Diseases and Parasites
Hedgehogs can carry and pass diseases and parasites to humans. However, this is only possible if your hedgehog pet is exposed to diseases and parasites.
Some diseases and parasites can be fatal, so you should always wash your hands after handling your hedgehog. Below are some of the conditions and parasites hedgehogs are likely to spread.
- Salmonella- Salmonella is a bacteria that is passed from hedgehogs to humans. It causes vomiting, stomach ache, and diarrhea. It is a food borne-disease, so if you feed a hedgehog human food, it should be thoroughly cooked.
Hedgehogs can carry this type of bacteria without showing any symptoms. So if you vomit or have diarrhea for more than 24 hours, you should see a doctor.
- Worms – Like other pets, hedgehogs also spread worms like roundworms and lungworms. When these worms come in contact with your skin, they leave itchy patches that require immediate medical attention.
To ensure no worm comes into contact with your skin, you should wash your hands immediately after handling your hedgehog.
- Ticks – Ticks are very common to pets like hedgehogs. Ticks are tiny parasites that move slowly, and it’s difficult to see them. They live on the skin of the hedgehog and feed on their blood.
Ticks are mainly found on hedgehogs that are poorly maintained in terms of hygiene. If you come into contact with a tick, you may get Lyme disease, caused by bacteria passed by ticks to humans.
To avoid ticks from your home, you should adapt and maintain a high level of hygiene and care towards your pet.
Final Words
Hedgehogs are good prickly buddies to keep as a pet. However, keeping a hedgehog as a pet has never been easy, as it requires a certain level of care to ensure it’s comfortable and happy.
So, are hedgehogs dangerous? According to the above article, hedgehogs are dangerous under certain conditions; otherwise, they are calm little creatures.